The Nike Air trainer 1 is set to have a major comeback – you heard it here first! When Tinker Hatfield first unveiled the sneaker back in 1987, he framed it as an ultra versatile silhouette that was created for all different types of activities. From gentle yoga to hardcore contact sports, the trainer 1 was the only shoe that you needed. even though the athletic cross training model was designed almost four decades ago, its design has pretty much remained unchanged since – a testament to just how timeless it is.
Crafted from some of the most premium materials that the Beaverton brand has to offer, you’d find the trainer 1 dressed in buttery suede, plush nylon, and soft leather. The oversized heel counter has become synonymous to the sneaker’s design, alongside the rubberised strap that offers up the ultimate lockdown fit. While this retro look might not be for everyone, there’s no denying that they look pretty cool.
If you want to rock one of the most iconic Nike models in history then you’ve come to the right place, as we’ve compiled a handy size guide to help you find the ultimate fit. With feedback from The Sole supplier team, we’re here to answer all of your questions. Which shoe size should I get? Are they comfortable? Can I wear them everyday? If you are wondering any of these things then this is the Nike Air trainer 1 size guide that you need to read right now!
Nike Air trainer 1 – how Do They Fit?
Fit: In general, the Nike Air trainer 1 fits a little tight so be sure to go half a size up.
Comfort: The Air trainer 1 features a supportive strap and a Nike Air midsole so it’s very comfortable.
Care: use a soft microfibre cloth and warm, soapy water to clean these Nikes.
Styling: The AT1 is very versatile, so rock them with whatever you want.
Nike Air trainer 1 – What Our product Specialists Think
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“When I picked up my first pair a few years back I really wasn’t expecting much in this department, but Hatfield designed them for everyday wear and they do just that.”
Adam – Head of News
How do they fit?
To be honest, when I first approached the Nike Air trainer 1 I really didn’t know what size to get. speaking to people who owned them, I was told that the strap makes things a little bit tight, so I went a half size up and they fit pretty well. with that said, because I have wider-than-usual feet it wouldn’t have hurt to have gone a full size up, but that’s only if you have unusually wide feet like mine.
Are they comfortable?
The Air trainer is surprisingly comfortable. When I picked up my first pair a few years back I really wasn’t expecting much in this department, but Hatfield designed them for everyday wear and they do just that. The strap can definitely take some time to get used to though.
How do you style them?
If you know me you know I love an oversized fit. I wear these with an oversized hoodie from represent and cargo pant as well. This is the perfect combo for an everyday utilitarian vibe.
How do you clean them?
Due to its retro design, I think it’s vital that you keep your trainer 1s crispy clean to retain that fresh-out-of-the-box look. To do this, I use a soft microfibre cloth and some warm, soapy water. On the spot I want to clean I would apply the cloth on it and go around in a circular motion.
Image via Asphalt Gold
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“Whether it’s a stone Island t-shirt or hoodie from Cole Buxton, this shoe’s retro design works surprisingly well with any fit you throw at it.”
Jack A – content Writer
How do they fit?
Basically the Air trainer 1 fits half a size up. The strap makes the shoe a little tighter than usual so that extra 0.5 works wonders. I’m excited for the upcoming Travis Scott collaboration especially the “Coriander” colourway.
Are they comfortable?
I wouldn’t say the trainer is the most comfortable silhouette in the world, but it’s certainly supportive enough for everyday wear. The Air midsole underfoot is a lovely addition as it provides that extra little big of bounce with every step.
How do you style them?
Whether it’s a stone Island t-shirt or hoodie from Cole Buxton, this shoe’s retro design works surprisingly well with any fit you throw at it. The extra chunky side profile also adds a little bit of heigh if you need it.
How do you clean them?
I’ve been using Jason Markk products for years now and they work for me every single time. I wouldn’t use anything else so I would definitely recommend them. The Repel Spray works wonders on the multi-material upper.
Image via DoctorSoles11
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“I have a few pairs that I rock weekly including the “Triple White” fragment design that I consider to be one of my prized possessions.”
Jack S – content Writer
How do they fit?
I recommend going half a size up for the Air trainer 1. I have a few pairs that I rock weekly including the “Triple White” fragment design from 2015 that I consider to be one of myposesiuni prețuite.
Sunt confortabili?
Două dintre hobby -urile mele preferate sunt yoga și patinaj, iar pentru ambele port mereu AT1. Patinajul este deosebit de bun în versiunea SB a antrenorului despre care nu vorbesc mulți oameni.
Cum le stilați?
Brandul meu preferat din toate timpurile este Cole Buxton. Pur și simplu mă îndrept să balansez o glugă Cole Buxton și joggers, iar o pereche de antrenor 1s păstrează potrivirea proaspătă.
Cum le curățați?
Pentru a -mi curăța perechea, folosesc un burete scufundat în apă de săpun și o aplic foarte ușor de la stânga la dreapta. În ceea ce privește zonele mijlocii de aer, folosesc o periuță de dinți veche scufundată în apă amestecată cu lichid de îndepărtare a petelor. Funcționează pentru mine de fiecare dată.
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Air Trainer 1 – Ce trebuie să știți
Urmați ceea ce cred specialiștii noștri și veți obține cu siguranță dimensiunea perfectă! Air Trainer 1 este cu siguranță unul dintre cele mai subestimate adidași de la Tinker Hatfield până în prezent. Cu tone de coloane și stiluri din care să alegeți, există chiar și o grămadă de colaborări cu căldură ridicată, inclusiv parteneriatul cu designul fragmentelor, precum și colecțiile viitoare cu Travis Scott, prezicem că T1 este pe cale să facă o revenire absolut enormă – ați auzit -o aici mai întâi.
În general, Nike Air Trainer 1 se potrivește cu jumătate de dimensiune, așa că asigurați -vă că asigurați dimensiunea potrivită! Mai multe culori vin foarte curând, așa că păstrați -l blocat la singurul furnizor pentru cea mai bună șansă de a le copia pe toate!
Asigurați -vă că consultați și celelalte ghiduri de dimensiuni ale noastre de mai jos pentru cele mai bune sfaturi și sfaturi despre dimensionare, stil și multe altele:
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